Michael Moore surely doesn’t want to be living in Trump’s America, but the circumstances around the election date sure work out well for a title to a new documentary. Moore is working on a quasi-sequel to his G.W. Bush takedown Fahrenheit 9/11 called Fahrenheit 11/9. How perfect. The Bush doc ended up as one of the highest-grossing documentaries of all-time, raking in over $220 million worldwide, and won Moore the Cannes Palme d’Or. Those times were full of political vitriol as the U.S. rebounded from the greatest terror attack on its soil, and Moore hoped his burning of the Bush administration would affect the 2004 election. It didn’t, but maybe his spiritual sequel will help bring down Trump.
Moore seems confident it will, as he told Variety:
“No matter what you throw at him, it hasn’t worked. No matter what is revealed, he remains standing. Facts, reality, brains cannot defeat him. Even when he commits a self-inflicted wound, he gets up the next morning and keeps going and tweeting. That all ends with this movie.”
The Weinsteins added to Moore’s thoughts on the critical timing of this documentary:
“There is no greater part of what we can do right now than to have the power to bring Michael Moore to a mass audience. When we had the opportunity to work with him on ‘Fahrenheit 9/11,’ we were so persistent that we ultimately had to part ways from Disney and we lost our beloved Miramax, named after our parents, because we believed so strongly in the message. The movie broke all records then, and we plan to do so again. This movie will have one of the most innovative distribution plans ever. Now more than ever, Michael’s appetite for the truth is crucial. We are ecstatic to be a part of this revolution.”
While it certainly seems lucrative for Moore and the Weinsteins to start cranking out anything anti-Trump they can, the odds of them actually affecting anything seems low. As it was mentioned above, Fahrenheit 9/11 was held up on a pedestal, made hundreds of millions of dollars, and sadly resided in the liberal echo chamber. Will this documentary actually get through to people who are still employing the strongest cognitive dissonance known to man? We’ll find out soon enough, it seems.
(Via Variety)