The Celebration Rock Podcast Counts Down The Best Albums Of 2017 So Far

So, we’re approaching the midpoint of 2017, and here at UPROXX and we’re using this opportunity to look back on some of our favorite music of 2017 so far. I know, I know: Album lists can be overwhelming. As I wrote at the end of 2016:

What is it about year-end albums lists that drives people to actually loathe music? Is it the numbing sameness of the lists? Is it the arrogance of declaring something “best” in a field as vast and impossible to traverse as popular music? Is it the reduction of art to sport or (worse) math?

Nevertheless, lists can be a lot of fun when compiled and contemplated in the right spirit. After all, a lot of albums come out in a given year, so it’s nice to take a breather and remind ourselves of all the great music from the past several months that we might’ve missed.

I’ll be writing about some of my personal favorites later this week. Before then, I talked about the year in music so far with critic and author Dan Ozzi of Noisey. In this podcast, we debate the merits of 2017’s offerings from Japandroids and Cloud Nothings (I love the former and he loves the latter), we touch on the weird Diet Cig controversy from the spring, and sing the praises of Girlpool, the Menzingers, Big Thief, and Craig Finn, among others. I also try to talk Dan into giving Father John Misty a second chance.

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