Twitter’s Celebration Of #PrinceDay Will Remind You That He Was A Sexy MF

Today would have been Prince‘s 59th birthday. Fans took to Twitter to celebrate the second occasion of his birthday since the legend passed away last spring, sharing their favorite Purple One gifs, songs, memories and lyrics under the hashtag #PrinceDay. While it was meant to be a reminder of how great the man was as a musical force, it mostly served to remind us all that Prince could not take a bad picture. This hashtag could go on for a while because, no matter the era, Prince had looks for days.

Let’s start with the obvious. His iconic outfit from Purple Rain:

Of course, he wasn’t always wearing it:

And his other movies deserve a little love, too:

Rest assured, you will never be this cool:

Even completely candid photos look dope:

And had the star lived, you know that there would be no way to tell that he was 59 years old:

Oh yeah. Let’s not forget that the man made some great music:

There are many ways to celebrate Prince on this high holy day. Maybe give a spin of his greatest album or revisit an unfairly maligned classic. Take a look back on his final show or catch up with his greatest co-conspirators. You can learn more about one of his most-famous hits or just remind yourself of his singular greatness.

Needless to say, the mark that Prince left on the world will have us all meeting back here the same time next year.