Tom Hardy Wrote A Heartbreaking Tribute After His Beloved Dog Woody Died

Tom Hardy is well known for playing tough, violent characters — Bane, Max, Venom (he’s also known for characters who don’t need last names, apparently) — but deep down, he’s a big ol’ softie. Especially when he’s around his beloved Labrador mix, Woody, with whom he attended the Legend premiere. That’s what makes this so sad: earlier this week, Woody passed away after a six-month battle with polymyositisis. He was 6 years old.

Hardy wrote a heartfelt tribute to Woody, which was posted on Tom Hardy Dot Org’s Tumblr page. “He was Far too young to leave us and We at home are devastated by his loss,” he wrote. “I am ultimately grateful for his loyal companionship and love and it is of some great comfort that he is no longer suffering. Above all I am completely gutted. the world for me was a better place with him in it and by my side… Woody was the bestest of journey companions we ever could dream of having. Our souls intertwined forever.”

Hardy continued:

He was special bro, a shining example of man’s best friend. He burnt very very bright and, those that burn very bright sometimes burn half as long.

Thankyou Woody for choosing to find us. We will love you and be with you and you with us forever. Never ever ever forgotten. Your Boy tom xxx I love you beyond words. To the moon and back again and again to
Infinity and beyond. Run with Max now and the Angels. I will see you when I get there.
With all of me I love you. Always Thankyou for
Your love beautiful boy.

There aren’t enough Tom Hardy crying GIFs in the world to convey how I’m feeling. You may need a box of tissues, but here’s the full letter.

(Via Tom Hardy Dot Org)