Let The ‘Baby Driver’ Soundtrack Transport You To Ansel Elgort’s iPod Zen Headspace

Guardians Of The Galaxy proved that audiences really enjoy everything being a mixtape, even their movies. And Baby Driver took those lessons out of outer space and straight to heart, leaning even more heavily on soundtrack-as-plot-point to thrilling and roundly adored effect. And if you want to put yourself back in Ansel Elgort’s iPod-assisted zen-driving headspace, now you can. The “Awesome Mix Vol. 3” is currently streaming.

The movie and its soundtrack are a primer on sampling as art, as evidenced by the fact that Wright leans toward tracks that have become famous after others sampled them. Two guesses as to where you’ve heard “The Edge” before.

While the songs don’t carry the same wallop when removed from Edgar Wright‘s timely edits and Elgort’s fancy driving, the director didn’t exactly pick songs that slouch to soundtrack his high-energy mashup of a heist movie. It kicks off in the same way as the movie — with the timeless and chaotic “Bellbottoms” — before running through a mess of obscure and funky tracks like The Incredible Bongo Band’s “Bongolia” and better-known cuts like the Simon & Garfunkel song that lends the movie its name. Oh, and there’s also an excellent original song from Run The Jewels and Danger Mouse called “Chase Me.” Give it a listen below.

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