‘Rocko’s Modern Life’ Offers Up A Sneak Peek At The Classic Nicktoon’s Big Return

Feverishly adored ’90s Nicktoon Rocko’s Modern Life is slated for a special one-off in 2018 and the sneak peek shown today at San Diego Comic-Con appears to confirm the return will be *Heffer voice*A HOOT!

That lovely lil’ moving rectangle you see above is an official early look at the show’s hour-long special Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling. There hasn’t been a new episode since 1996, but Rocko, Heffer and Filburt still feel like the same characters they were when we saw them last. It’s just the world around them that feels different yet familiar at the same time. In the Comic Con tease, the characters are encountering more 2010s-y situations like getting energy drink samples and being burned by the smartphone wars. It’s a bit surreal and surreal pairs nicely with Rocko’s Modern Life.

Speaking of retro and (Rocko’s) modern touches, Static Cling is going with hand-painted backgrounds like they would in the original production and the action will remain hand-drawn. The finished product will be in HD and boasts a number of “cameos” for those that tune in.

“We really pushed it with this special,” shared series creator Joe Murray at today’s panel. “There are a lot of surprises. Even more than the original series.”

Until the one hour special arrives, best to give the Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling sneak peek a rewatch or six before binging the series again.