Justin Bieber Shoots His Shot Through An Instagram DM To The Gym Where His Crush Works


The Instagram photo above was posted by a Savannah, GA gym called Fitness On Broughton. At the time it was posted Fitness On Broughton only had 70 followers on Instagram. As of right now, it has 2,993 followers. What could possibly be the reason for such a precipitous climb? Why, Justin Bieber of course.

The world-renowned pop star, who recently cancelled his Purpose tour earlier this summer in order to rest and recuperate from a grueling schedule, apparently was so enamored of the woman in the post, an employee named Jessica Gober, that he slid in the gym’s DMs to find out exactly who she is, asking, “Who is that girl?

Gober posted screenshots of the DM to her Twitter account, and naturally it blew the hell up. After all, Bieber’s inclusion on “Despacito” was all it took to destroy Youtube’s record for most streams — in 24 days, no less. Gober’s tweet has racked up 13,000 retweets and 65,000 likes since August 9th when it was posted. She recently told told Buzzfeed that she has no idea how Bieber found that video, saying, “We were like, how in the world did he see this random post? We only had 70 followers and had posted five times previous to this.”

Unfortunately for Justin, Gober already has a boyfriend, whom she says she is very happy with. Better luck next time, Biebs. Even Steph Curry catches a brick every now and then.