Father John Misty Shared His Thoughts About The Time Ryan Adams Called Him A ‘Self-Important A**hole’

It was one of the strangest, most out-of-nowhere attacks we’ve seen in the music field in a minute. A few weeks back, Ryan Adams took to Twitter and decided to give Father John Misty a random dragging after seeing an advertisement for his then-upcoming performance at Austin City Limits. Adams called Misty “the most self-important a**hole on earth,” “Elton Josh,” and Sir F*ckhead,” in a series of since-deleted tweets. Though he later apologized for his public bashing, more than a few people were left scratching their heads wondering, “What the hell was that all about?” Apparently, Misty himself was part of this camp.

The mercurial singer-songwriter was onhand at UK’s End Of The Road where he sat down for a video interview with NME and addressed Adams’ shots for the first time. “God only knows where that came from,” he said. “I don’t know where that came from. I really don’t. He used to text me a lot. I hope he’s okay.”

In more optimistic news, Misty also revealed that his next record, the follow-up to this year’s gorgeous, existential concept album Pure Comedy is already almost done. “There’s one song I have to put a new bass synth part on….It’s got ten songs. The last two records I’d say were squarely concept records with a singular theme. But this one is not that. Just ten tunes, kind of sprightly BPMs.”

You can check out Misty’s entire comments on subjects as wide-ranging as LCD Soundsystem’s new album to some truly bonkers Taylor Swift conspiracy theories in the video above.