In February, Netflix announced yet another revival of a classic family television show with The Magic School Bus Rides Again. What’s more, the streaming giant responsible for Fuller House cast Saturday Night Live‘s Kate McKinnon as the “new” Ms. Frizzle, the excitable teacher whose magic school bus transports her Walkerville School class into all kinds of crazy (and somewhat dangerous) situations. Aside from McKinnon’s casting, however, the announcement said nothing of former Ms. Frizzle Lily Tomlin. It also refrained from offering any information about a possible release date.
Never fear, kids, for the first trailer for The Magic School Bus Rides Again is here — along with the fate of Tomlin’s prior voice work and a streaming date. It turns out the 78-year-old actress is still playing Ms. Valerie Frizzle, the original teacher for the show’s seemingly ageless class. McKinnon, on the other hand, will voice Frizzle’s sister, Ms. Fiona Felicity Frizzle — a nearly identical redhead whom the elder sibling inexplicably puts in charge of the magic school bus and her class of students.
The nearly two-minute trailer avoids spoiling any more details from the revival, though it does offer fans an expansive preview of the new Ms. Frizzle’s adventures with her class. Like Fuller House and other revival or rebooted shows as of late, The Magic School Bus Rides Again also throws in an updated version of its iconic theme song, this time courtesy of Hamilton‘s Lin-Manuel Miranda. The new series premieres September 22nd.