Dapper Dan Is Reopening His Famous Shop And Gucci Is Supplying Him With Threads

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The stylings of Daniel Day — better known as Dapper Dan — have been a staple of hip-hop fashion for decades. His unique fusing of streetwear and luxury brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Fendi and more became his trademark, and set trends in Harlem and beyond. This year Gucci revealed new looks heavily influenced by Dapper Dan, finally bending the two brands in an official manner. The pieces were well received, and Beyonce recently sported a Dapper Dan-influenced Gucci jacket at the Made In America festival in Philadelphia.

Now, the Gucci and Dapper Dan relationship continues to grow more fruitful than ever before as The New York Times reports Gucci will be supplying Dan with double G branded materials as he reopens his famous shop soon. According to the report, the new shop is being opened “with the support of Gucci,” and comes on the heels of the Dapper Dan-inspired gear which he said was made without consultation and left him “very surprised.”

There was no date announced for Dan’s reopening, nor a clear indication of what exactly Gucci is providing to Dan or what their exact involvement will be. Still, being officially endorsed by the brand is a positive, and just might put the pressure on other brands to reach out, provide him with materials as well or even collaborate with the hip-hop legend in the future.