Bruce Springsteen Absolutely Loved Kanye West’s ‘The Life Of Pablo’

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Bruce Springsteen has made no secret of his respect and admiration for Kanye West at different points throughout the years. Back around this same time last year, “The Boss” participated in a live conversation event where he said, his “iPod full of things that can’t come to mind at the moment…I like Kendrick Lamar a lot; I like Kanye West, I think he makes great records; those are very creative amazing records.”

Well now, in a new interview with Variety, Springsteen decided to get more specific with what he likes and listens to these days, literally busting open his iTunes, and running it down. When it comes to Kanye, it turns out Bruce is one of the big defenders of his most recent effort, the sprawling, wondrous mess that is The Life Of Pablo. “I thought that was an amazing creation,” he said of Yeezy’s 2016 album. “Especially the arrangements.”

The rest of the list of artists Springsteen chose to highlight runs the gamut of different genres, but centers mostly on strong singer-songwriters. He’s really into The National for instance — “I’m a big fan, and my son [Evan] is a huge fan” — and he had some nice things to say about Lana Del Rey. “I love her,” he revealed. “Especially the extended version of her first record [Born to Die: The Paradise Edition].

You can check out Springsteen’s full-list of likes over at Variety.