Roger Goodell’s Wife Used A Kevin Durant-Esque Burner Twitter Account To Defend Her Husband

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Kevin Durant isn’t the only notable person in the sports world creating alternate accounts to defend themselves. In fact, one of the most powerful men in sports allegedly had a lot of help from his wife in defending his honor among the press and trolls on the internet.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Roger Goodell‘s wife, former Fox News anchor Jane Skinner, had a fake account she would activate almost exclusively in order to respond to harsh media criticism of Goodell.

It appears the now-deleted account @forargument was Skinner, who would have a quiet account for long stretches until it was tweeted to defend Goodell in various news stories about the NFL.

Unlike Durant’s Twitter mishap, none of the tweets were particularly inflammatory or revealed any new insights into Goodell’s thinking, but it’s certainly interesting to see where Skinner took aim at media.

The most frequent sparring partner for @forargument is the nation’s sports media. On Sept. 26, @ProFootballTalk, the Twitter account for the popular NBC Sports blog, tweeted that it was “on the commissioner” to solve the anthem issues.

In response, @forargument tweeted: “Please do better reporting. He is already doing this. You are behind.”

There isn’t much evidence of @forargument left on Twitter these days, but Skinner herself did confirm that it was her account, calling it a “silly” thing to do.

“It was a REALLY silly thing to do and done out of frustration—and love.” Skinner told the paper. “As a former media member, I’m always bothered when the coverage doesn’t provide a complete and accurate picture of a story. I’m also a wife and a mom. I have always passionately defended the hard-working guy I love—and I always will. I just may not use Twitter to do so in the future!”

This is, of course, a new level of affection you can show a significant other. Think about it right now: would you create an alt account to defend the honor of the person you’re with? If not, you better reevaluate your feelings. This is what true love is now.