Rage Against The Machine’s Hit ‘Bulls On Parade’ Got The Owen Wilson ‘Wow’ Upgrade It So Richly Deserved

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Rage Against The Machine’s single “Bulls On Parade” from their multi-platninum smash hit album Evil Empire is, without question, one of the most iconic rock songs of the ’90s. From the heat-seeking fury of Zack De La Rocha’s vocals to the heavy guitar riffs and unforgettable bass solo, everything about the track is over-the-top. It’s actually hard to imagine a way in which it could be improved. Bless Twitter user Gnarly Rae Jepsen for thinking outside of the box and coming up with something truly visionary.

Recently, Gnarly posted a video to the social media platform in which all of the song’s signature Tom Morello wah-wah guitar fills were replaced with various vocal samples of Own Wilson saying “Wow.”


Even more impressive than that, it seems as though each and every “Wow” was taken from a different film. There’s a bit of The Darjeeling Limited in there. I think I also spotted one from the 2016 film Masterminds. There’s even one from one of the Meet The Parents/Fockers movies. Nothing from The Royal Tenenbaums, which seems like a missed opportunity, but then again, did he say “Wow” in that one? I’m sure he did right?

If Rage Against The Machine does indeed get inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame later this year, it would be an incredible move to bring Wilson out and reprise this iconic performance.