Eminem Knocks His First Performance Of ‘Walk On Water’ Out The Park At The MTV EMAs

Eminem week is fully underway, with Em dropping his first single in years last week and shocking the world when he brought Beyonce along for the ride on “Walk On Water.” His new album, Revival, is rumored to be releasing this week as part of a takeover plan by Universal Music Group that also included Taylor Swift’s massive new LP Reputation. In the process, Em returned to the stage, opening up MTV’s European Music Awards with a riveting performance of “Walk On Water.” Beyonce wasn’t on hand to join him, but the writer of the powerful words on the song’s chorus, Skylar Gray, stepped in for the Queen with a powerful performance of her own.

While the duo began offstage with a pre-recorded bit of them performing the song in a small bar, eventually Em strolled on stage between two mountains and sent the London crowd into a frenzy as he began ripping through his second verse. It was an impassioned performance from Shady, and it’s clear the words to the song are especially significant to him as he pushes out each syllable during his rendition with purpose.

Check out a preview of Eminem and Skylar Gray’s performance of “Walk On Water” above and the entire performance on MTV’s website here.