‘Lady Bird’ Director Greta Gerwig Joined Saoirse Ronan For This Quirky ‘SNL’ Sketch

In one of the stranger sketches of the Saoirse Ronan-hosted Saturday Night Live, Ronan was reunited with her Lady Bird director Greta Gerwig.

The sketch was a typically bizarro Kyle Mooney and Beck Bennett filmed short about an office where men run fast and bully each other about it, and also they’d rather kill themselves than rip a hole in their pants ever again. It’s a really weird sketch, and delightfully so. As an added bonus, it also featured Gerwig as a majestically permed, uber ’80s boss.

The sketch also included one of the finest training montage scenes in recent memory, followed by an actual race in the office, and the discovery that Mooney’s colleague and running coach, Ronan, was–spoiler alert–a ghost, as we learn from the sketch’s other big cameo: Mac from Mac and Me.

At least Gerwig and the rest of the office seemed to take this news in stride.

With every Mooney-Bennett sketch, it becomes more and more surprising the two haven’t been given an Adult Swim spot to showcase their deeply strange Too Many Cooks-esque shorts like this one somewhere they truly belong, but for the time being we’ll take them any way we can get them.

(Via SNL)