Fantasy Football Heartbreak: Week 15 ‘My Fantasy Season Is Over’ Edition

It wouldn’t be a 2017 fantasy football game if a crucial player didn’t go down with an injury, and that’s what we got out of Antonio Brown — a torn calf muscle ended his night early and ends his regular season. Anyone who had AB likely lost, considering he was probably their first-round pick, and if they did survive the fantasy semi-finals in Week 15, then they’ll be without him next week in the championship game.

That’s the special brand of heartbreak the fantasy playoffs brings you. Losing during the regular season is painful no-doubt, but when the reality that your year is done sets in, you go through the stages of grief: shock or disbelief, denial, bargaining, guilt, anger, depression, and then finally — acceptance and hope. There is always next year. Fantasy football is a cruel monster of random numbers and you’ll go mad if you add up the little things. “If only every player on my team had one more yard, I would’ve won.”

You can’t think like that.

Tear open your shirt and bare your chest to the world. Then take out a knife and slice it like Billy in Predator. Let your fate come for you. As we wrote in Week 1, you know you’re already dead, so don’t get down when the Grim Reaper finally knocks on your door.