Holy Ship Kindly Asks That You Not Have Sex With The Pizza


Update: This is indeed a joke

Holy Ship! is a nautical EDM festival that is currently traveling the high seas of the Atlantic Ocean for fun in the Bahamas, featuring the likes of A-Trak, Baauer, and Alison Wonderland. From all reports, it is quite the party, featuring the amenities of a typical cruise but with the added bonus of some of the biggest DJs in the world. For an electronic music fan, it doesn’t get much better.

But, if this photo from one of the performers, Kill The Noise, is to be believed, some people might have gone too far on past Holy Ship! excursions. The letter, signed by Norwegian Cruise Line, kindly asks that the pizza served on the ship is used for food only. Part of the letter reads:

“Due to incidents on previous sailings in which patrons engaged in uncouth behavior in the cafe, we feel it is our duty to remind our guests that pizza is for eating, not fornicating. Sexual acts with our handcrafted pizza can bring unintended health consequences and can pose a safety hazard for other passengers aboard our journey.”

The letter goes on to point out that this isn’t merely a ship policy, but it is actually forbidden by maritime law. The whole thing seems to be in good fun and quite possibly could be a joke, though we’re sure the organizers and the ship employees really do hope no one is doing anything gross to the cuisine. If this doesn’t make you want to sign up for next year’s adventure, I don’t know what will.

On the downside, Billboard reports that dozens were arrested boarding the ship for drug possession, including DJ Gina Turner. Much like a plane, boarding a ship, particularly one traveling internationally, is not a smart place to try to sneak drugs.