Cam Deals With An Affair As The Other Woman In Her Emotional ’70s-Styled ‘Diane’ Video

Cam made her presence in the country scene known with Untamed, her breakout 2015 debut album that was one of the year’s finest and found itself near the top of multiple charts. Now she’s working on her second act, and it’s off to a fiery start with “Diane,” a single she shared near the end of last year that, despite its upbeat musicality, deals with adultery when you’re the other woman, a sensitive subject that she handles with confidence and grace.

Now, she’s shared a new video for the song, and Cam says that she took a lot of care to make sure this difficult situation was carefully portrayed, even going so far as to take acting lessons:

“The general theme of women speaking to women and being honest in a really difficult situation that neither one of them chose. I wanted to make sure that a lot of people that have been through this feel like this wasn’t sensationalized — because this is a lot of people’s story. I’ve seen people in crowds now that sing the sh-t out of this song; they’re owning all these lyrics. So I wanted to get it right and make it raw and real and mean something. Actually, I took acting lessons to make sure I didn’t mess that up!”

She also previously said the song itself is her response to Dolly Parton’s country classic “Jolene”:

“It’s the apology so many spouses deserve, but never get. The other woman is coming forward to break the news to the wife about an affair, respecting her enough to have that hard conversation, once she realized he was married. Because everyone should be able to decide their own path in life, based on the truth. Women especially should do this for each other, since our self-worth can still be so wrapped up in our partners. And in true country fashion, I’ve set the whole raw story to upbeat music, so you can dance while you process it all.”

Watch the video for “Diane” above.