E Street Band Guitarist Nils Lofgren’s Stolen Gear Has Thankfully Been Recovered

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It’s the nightmare scenario for any musician out on the road. Some jackass looking to score a few undeserved dollars at the local pawn shop, breaks into your car, van, transit truck, u-haul, whatever, and steals all your gear. Nearly anyone who’s everyone who’s touring the world today has their own horror story about such an incident. The latest episode happened to E Street band member and Washington Bullets fan Nils Lofgren who had four of his guitars jacked in the parking lot of a Holiday Inn in Dallas.

Fortunately for Nils and the folks who’ve paid hard-earned cash to see him live, the instruments were recovered today and a suspect has been taken into custody. “Looks like my guitars are coming back to me,” Lofgren earlier this morning. “Thank you to my crew who had to do double time, just so I could walk on stage. Fellow musicians who lovingly offered their own guitars. (My wife Amy Aiello Lofgren) who reminded me, believe.”

Among the guitars stolen were three Takamine acoustic guitars as well as a sunburst Fender Stratocaster reported to be worth something in the neighborhood of $10,000. As for how he got them back? “A Good Samaritan, a police sting, handcuffs, guns drawn. People are under arrest,” his wife Amy tweeted. “We never lost hope. Crime doesn’t pay. Thank you to everyone. You all played a part.”

Lofgren is currently playing solo material while his boss, “The Boss,” Bruce Springsteen continues his solo run on Broadway. For those looking forward to hearing more of his guitar heroics however, Nils played back-up to Neil Young on the upcoming archival album Live At The Roxy 1973, as part of his band the Santa Monica Flyers. That album is set to drop in a couple of weeks.