WOW Air Has An Amazing Summer Dream Job Waiting For You And A Friend


It’s almost summer, and if you’re a student, you’re probably thinking about how to pass that last final and what you’re going to do for money once school’s out. Among the list of cool summer jobs that don’t include smelling like food or helping people find the right size clothing is this ultimate dream job with WOW Air — sure to knock out all your summer job and summer vacation goals at once.

WOW Air, popularly known for its cheap travel deals, is now accepting applications for 3-month paid summer job, where you will move to Iceland and proceed to travel the world. It sounds great: Get paid to see the world! But for us extroverts, it sounds a little lonesome, no? Problem solved, because WOW Air is willing to sponsor this trip not only for you…but for one of your friends, too!

Arguably the most Instagrammable job you will ever have, the gig includes exploring (finding the local hot spots, learning about the culture of all the places you visit, finding the little-known food gems, hanging out in nature, and discovering ways to stay on budget), creating vlogs and Instagram stories, taking photos, and completing a digital travel guide, and of course, moving to Iceland June 1st with your homie for three months (while occasionally flying out to explore new countries over the duration of your stay). Sounds like a party, no?

If you want to apply (not sure why you wouldn’t) head to their site to fill out the application before May 14th. Accepted applicants will be notified May 18th, and then you can start taking applications (and bribes) yourself to pick a travel buddy.