The ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Release Date Has Been Delayed Yet Again, This Time Until 2021

Paramount Pictures

Mere weeks after it was revealed that Disney had replaced Indiana Jones 5 scribe David Koepp with Solo: A Star Wars Story co-writer Jonathan Kasdan, thereby delaying the sequel until 2020, a new report suggests the film has been delayed again. Instead of 2020, The Hollywood Reporter is now saying that Steven Spielberg’s latest addition to the ongoing Indiana Jones story won’t see the light of day until July 9th, 2021.

Disney confirmed the news of the delay shortly thereafter. The apparent reason for the change? The filmmakers’ need to address apparent “script issues.” As for what these issues entail, the problem (or problems) with the Indiana Jones 5 script was not explained in any detail. Seeing as how Koepp was recently replaced with Kasdan, however, the latest delay may just be a symptom of the new screenwriter’s need for additional time to work out whatever kinds were present in the previous draft.

Whatever happens, Spielberg and company had better hurry. Jones himself, the actor Harrison Ford, is on the cusp of turning 76 years old this Friday. What’s more, if Indiana Jones 5 is delayed any further, the aging college professor turned adventurer may have to do battle with Rick Deckard, should the wackier notions that inspired Kingdom of the Crystal Skull result in a multidimensional franchise crossover with the Blade Runner films.

(Via The Hollywood Reporter)