Weekend Preview: ‘Pose’ Continues To Be A Revelation


Pose (Sunday, FX 9:00 p.m.) — Pose continues to be an absolute gem of a TV show, with the great performances and lush cinematography that exemplifies the best of Ryan Murphy’s work. This is being set up to be a pivotal episode, with Blanca making a huge revelation that will rock the House of Evangelista and Elektra doing some serious soul searching following the eviction.

Quantico (Friday, ABC 8:00 p.m.) — This is literally the only thing on tonight. Methinks you should head to the movie theater or go outside instead.

Me, Myself, & I (Saturday, CBS 8:00 p.m./8:30 p.m.) — This week’s burnoff follows in the grand tradition of sitcoms and Thanksgiving, as midlife Alex is set up on a blind date, young Alex competes to impress Nori’s brother, and older Alex visits with Eleanor.

Living Biblically (Saturday, CBS 9:00 p.m./9:30 p.m.) — Chip deals with work stuff this week, as he covets a journalism award and struggles to be charitable.

Power (Sunday, Starz 8:00 p.m.) — While in pursuit of Raina’s killer, Ghost and Tasha clash over how to properly honor and grieve for her.

Claws (Sunday, TNT 9:00 p.m.) — Desna and Dean take a road trip to get advice from a childhood mentor. Back at the shop, Jenn comes to Polly and Quiet Anne for help.

Sharp Objects (Sunday, HBO 9:00 p.m.) — While Camille searches for clues about the death of the latest victim, she has to deal with her mother, who is not pleased that she’s back in town. Which is worse: murder or overbearing mothers? Tough call.

The Affair (Sunday, Showtime 9:00 p.m.) — Vik decides that now is HIS TIME, so he’s going to throw caution to the wind and live how he pleases. I’m sure this will go well and without incident.

Ghosted (Sunday, Fox 9:30 p.m.) — The Bureau Underground deals with being the low man on the totem pole with the FBI and the FAA. In an attempt to gain a little respect, the team seeks out Merv to give them a hand with an unexpected investigation.

Preacher (Sunday, AMC 10:00 p.m.) — Extended time in Angelvill brings out the dark side of Jesse, putting him at odds with Tulip and Cassidy.

Who Is America? (Sunday, Showtime 10:00 p.m.) — Sacha Baron Cohen returns to television with a new series that is getting a lot of free publicity.

Succession (Sunday, HBO 10:30 p.m.) — Logan heads to therapy to fix his public image while Kendall finds his sobriety being tested while laying low. Shiv and Gil find themselves in a precarious situation.