Weekend Preview: You’re Hurting Yourself If You Aren’t Watching ‘Wynonna Earp’


Wynonna Earp (Friday, SYFY 9:00 p.m.) — Hey, hey you. Yeah, you. Are you watching Wynonna Earp yet? No? Well, why the hell not? Do you like fun? Do you like blistering one-liners? Do you like kicking ass and taking names? Do you like hot people? Obviously, you like all those things because you’re a human with a pulse (I assume. Beep beep, robot overlords.), so you should check out this show. The first two seasons are on Netflix and the third premieres tonight on the SyFy Channel. Do yourself a favor and familiarize yourself with the Earp Curse.

Quantico (Friday, ABC 8:00 p.m.) — The team finds themselves wrapped up in Connor Devlin’s scheme as he returns to Ireland for his latest nefarious plot.

The Great British Baking Show (Friday, PBS 9:00) — It’s Puddings Week and our contestants have to try one of Mary Berry’s recipes for the technical challenge. Is there anything more terrifying than the potential to completely fudge up a recipe in front of the woman who created it? Not in these tents.

Me, Myself, & I (Saturday, CBS 8:00 p.m./8:30 p.m./9:00 p.m.) — Alex grapples with his lifelong nemesis, Phil, at every stage of life until the grave.

Living Biblically (Saturday, CBS 9:30 p.m.) — Season one comes to an end as Chip takes on his corporate bosses after he questions a woman’s firing.

Power (Sunday, Starz 8:00 p.m.) — The fallout from the funeral continues to tear the family apart.

Pose (Sunday, FX 9:00 p.m.) — The first season comes to an end all too soon (fear not, season two is coming!), and the battle for Mother of the Year is upon us. Will the House of Evangelista come out on top or will the House of Ferocity strike the fiercest post?

Claws (Sunday, TNT 9:00 p.m.) — No one does revenge like the women of Claws, and Desna recruits Uncle Daddy and the rest of her crew to exact her latest bit of vengeance. Will it come at an unexpected price? Probably, but everyone will look fab executing the plan anyway.

Sharp Objects (Sunday, HBO 9:00 p.m.) — Camille is forced to consider her own trauma when investigating the Windy Gap murders. The tension in her mother’s house continues to be UNBEARABLE.

The Affair (Sunday, Showtime 9:00 p.m.) — Allison learns some surprising new information about her dad.

Ghosted (Sunday, Fox 9:30 p.m.) — Leroy and Max swap places as Doubting Thomas and True Believer as they finally get a lead on Agent Checker.

Preacher (Sunday, AMC 10:00 p.m.) — Tulip and Jesse deal with the aftermath of their failed escape from Angelville. Cassidy finds himself caught up in a mysterious group in New Orleans.

Who Is America? (Sunday, Showtime 10:00 p.m.) — After the horrifying looking into NRA shills last week, what does Cohen have in store for us this week? I can hear the thinkpieces being furiously typed already.

Succession (Sunday, HBO 10:30 p.m.) — Tom’s bachelor party gets out of hand, and Logan forces Greg to be Kendall’s babysitter during the event.