Paul Pierce Is Skeptical About Whether The Earth Is Actually Spinning

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Science: It’s Good! It has also found a number of enemies in the last year or two from a pretty surprising place, as a whole bunch of NBA players suddenly expressed belief in the earth being flat. It is, of course, not flat, but this didn’t stop people like Kyrie Irving and a host of others from saying this.

Irving has since apologized for expressing this belief, which he got from watching videos on Instagram and YouTube when he was, as he put it, “huge into conspiracies.”

However, Irving isn’t the only person to wear a Celtics uniform to express skepticism in the scientific consensus on the shape of the planet. Get a load of this quote from Paul Pierce, who dropped a truth bomb on Tuesday’s episode of The Jump.

Now here’s the thing: I am not a scientist. I went to college, got a degree in journalism, and took two science classes. One had open book tests every time we had an exam, the other was online and I barely passed because I would forget I was in it because online classes are evil. I am hardly an authority on matters of science, even if I know why Paul Pierce is wrong — for example, when I jump, I don’t end up in Michigan or something. So instead, I asked a scientist, who pointed me towards this video that illustrates how humans move with the earth and not separately from it.

Once more, science is good.