Taylor Swift Fans Think She Is Teasing Her Seventh Album Via Scrabble Pieces

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Taylor Swift released her latest album, Reputation, last November, meaning that it’s been nearly a year since her sixth album dropped. Considering that she’s been promoting the album and touring since then, it seems fair to assume that we’re still a decent amount of time away from Swift’s seventh album. That said, there are some Swift fans who think that she might be subtly teasing a new record that could drop in the next few months.

On Sunday, Swift shared a photo of herself playing Scrabble with her mother, which she captioned, “Let the games BEGIN,” and fans believe that Swift used the post to drop hints about her next release. One theory has to do with the letters that can be seen on Swift’s tray: The point values of the exposed B (3 points), I (1), O (1), I (1), and E (1) add up to 7, which possibly alludes to Swift’s upcoming seventh album. It’s also suspected that all the 1 values mean the album will be released on January 1, 2019 (also written as 1/1/2019).

It’s certainly a clever theory, but a new album that quickly after Reputation would be uncharacteristic for Swift, considering that the gaps between all of her records so far are almost exactly two years, except for Reputation, which came three years after 1989. Then again, Swift said it herself: The old Taylor is dead, so maybe she’s looking to surprise fans. Perhaps she’s been working on new material during her current tour, and if she managed to write a full album, she could have time to finish it after her tour ends in November.

It’s also possible that this is just a case of creative and wishful thinking by some enthusiastic fans, so ultimately, we’ll have to wait and see what happens (or doesn’t happen).