Lil Uzi Vert Got So Unnerved By Nardwuar’s Knowledge He Ran Away Mid-Interview

Lil Uzi vert is a weird guy. We know this. The mercurial, 24-year-old rapper has made a name for himself with his wild and often strange antics. Like doing a 20-foot stage dive mid-concert or showing up to the Grammy’s in JNCO jeans. The Philadelphia native was back at it again this weekend in Vancouver, Canada. He was there headlining Winter Breakout. After the show, Uzi was scheduled to do an interview with Nardwuar the Human Serviette — the eccentric, Vancouver-based music journalist known for the wonky video interviews in which he digs up obscure facts about his interview subjects and presents them with gifts. Obviously, his interview with Uzi was one to remember.

The seven-minute clip posted to Youtube early Sunday morning begins with Nardwuar marooned outside Lil Uzi Vert’s dressing room, negotiating with a venue security guard and a person who appears to be on Uzi’s team for facetime with the rapper. Uzi eventually emerges with Louis Vuitton ski goggles strapped sideways across his forehead and his childlike gregariousness on full display. He smiles, compliments Nardwuar’s sneakers and tells him he has the same jacket as him. Nardwuar begins the interview by gifting Uzi a statuette and rare promotional poster of his hero G.G. Allin. Naturally, Uzi claims that he is Allin reincarnated.

Things begin to take a turn for the strange, however, around the video’s three-minute mark when Uzi inexplicably asks, “Where am I?” Nardwuar reassures him with his trademark whimsicality “In Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada!” Uzi then says “Is ectasy legal here?” The tenor of the conversation continues its shift when Nardwuar presents Uzi with a poster for the 2005 Rob Zombie film The Devil’s Rejects. Uzi takes the poster excitedly and makes as if he’s about to tell a story, but then suddenly his brow furrows and he trains inquisitive eyes on his interviewer. “Why did you pull this out? I really like this movie, but why did you pull this out?…How you know this?” Nardwuar laughs the question away and says, “Because you’re Lil Uzi Vert. We have to know it!”

The interview reaches its abrupt end when Nardwuar brings up Philadelphia DJ and Uzi’s rumored former fling Gunns Garcia. When her name is brought up, Uzi makes eyes with someone off camera and says, “Yo, he know too much. I can’t do this.” Then, suddenly, Uzi asks, “What’d Kanye do?” referencing the producer’s recent dash away from TMZ’s cameras, and sprints out of the room. Nardwuar chases after him, but by the time he catches up Uzi is safely ensconsed in the back seat of a black SUV, where he yells something out the window about ectasy. Watch the madness unfold above!