An Iconic ‘Family Guy’ Bar Has Popped Up In Dallas For A Limited Time

20th Century Fox

Perhaps cartoon-themed bars are going to be a new Texas state tradition. Hot off the success of Nickel City Bar’s Halloween dress-up as Moe’s Tavern, another Texas bar is going to temporarily transform itself into an Instagram-worthy hang out based on a cartoon bar. While the Dallas-based Whippersnapper bar is undergoing its new interior renovation, it’ll temporarily be cosplaying as the Drunken Clam, the watering hole of choice of Family Guy’s Peter Griffin and friends.

The Whippersnapper has nailed the exterior look of the Drunken Clam but they’ve wisely decided to forgo taking inspiration from the interior of the fictional dive. The actual fictional Drunken Clam is a hang out for losers. If you’ve been watching Family Guy and you don’t realize Peter and his friends are losers. Then… Well… Moving on.

In a statement about the temporary transformation, bar co-owner Brandon Hays said, “Whether you’re a fan of the show or not, we think you’ll enjoy dropping by and checking out the pop-up bar along with drink specials, photo opportunities and more!” It might be even more fun to visit if you aren’t a fan of the show. Think about it — once your friends are drunk enough you can start chiming into the conversation and convince them you’ve seen every episode. Go crazy and start making up your own plots, you win if you can get just one of your friends to say they remember “the one where Stewie and Peter go recreate the plot of 1991 cult hoops movie Heaven is a Playground.”

From the photos popping up across social media, it’s looking like patrons will be treated to a Quagmire mural, a sexy Lois painting (they had to), and tons of Family Guy themed decor, ready for your photo posing-pleasure. Niche calling card aside, it still looks like a bar fully capable of providing you a good time if you’re in the Dallas area this month.

The Drunken Clam is now open Wednesday through Saturday until February 2nd, when the Whippersnapper’s renovation will be complete. Check out some of the fun below.

The Whippersnapper is located at 1806 McMillan Ave, Dallas, TX 75206