Soulja Boy vehemently denied the kidnapping accusations against him through TMZ, saying that they are “100% fabricated.” According to sources close to Soulja, the rapper never saw the woman who accused him of tying her to a chair in his garage for six hours.
The story offered by the woman, identified as “Kayla” in the report, is that she and Soulja argued at the Agoura Hills house, resulting in her being told to leave. As she did, she clipped the curb backing her car out of the driveway and got into a scuffle with an assistant who witnessed the accident. Soulja came outside, breaking up the fight, but doing additional damage by punching and kicking her on the ground. He then took her into his garage, where he tied her to a chair with an extension cord, only to release her six hours later.
Now, TMZ’s sources say that Soulja never came out of the house. In fact, they say Kayla never even made into the house. In their version of events, Kayla came to the house irate and inebriated after being dumped by Soulja and crashed her car in his driveway. People were partying inside the house, heard the crash, and Soulja’s female manager was called on to investigate.
When she told Kayla to leave, the fight began, but the injuries that were originally attributed to Soulja Boy were instead credited to the manager, who apparently broke three ribs and gave the other woman a concussion. The kidnapping angle, they say, was made up to get back at Soulja Boy. Police are still investigating the claim.