The Wizards Hilariously Compared NBA Teams To Scenes From ‘The Office’ On Twitter

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The NBA postseason is upon us, but not every professional basketball team gets to have playoff fun. That doesn’t mean those teams on the outside looking into arenas full of rabid fans can’t keep their own, slightly sadder fans engaged. And that includes tweets that combine the internet’s two favorite things: memes and The Office.

The be fair, the person who handles the Twitter page for the Washington Wizards has a lot of time on their hands this postseason — John Wall suffered a serious injury this year, dysfunction reigned for the team and they missed the postseason.

But the result, you could argue, has been for the greater good of the internet. On Sunday afternoon, while the Celtics were sweeping the Indiana Pacers, the Wizards’ Twitter account began tweeting out comparisons between scenes from The Office and various NBA franchises.

Most of them are non sequiturs from the show, and some gently poke fun at the franchises they’re describing.

For example, you could argue they’re calling the Knicks frauds and making fun of the Minnesota Timberwolves logo here.

Again, a lot of talk about logos and mascots in here. But these two are pretty great.

You could certainly argue that the Lakers one actually sums up the state of the franchise, too.

Others just referenced things that the show, you know, referenced that is related to the city or nickname of the franchise.

I had forgotten about the scene where Gabe talked about someone named “Magic Jordan” so this was a great reminder.

The whole thread is worth a scroll, and even some other playoffs-less teams seemed to appreciate it.

Oh, and of course the Wizards saved the show’s best basketball moment for itself.

Maybe next year they can do more of that on the court.