Blueface Literally Catches A Hater Slipping In His Cinematic ‘Stop Cappin’ Video

Unconventional LA rapper Blueface has apparently heard the complaints about his quirky style and dubious provenance and has some rhetorical questions to ask of his critics in his new video for “Stop Cappin.” Blueface is fond of self-referential in-jokes and callbacks, so for this one, he dipped into his back catalog to return to his “mop the floor” line from “Famous Cryp” for a concept that finds him playing cleaner in more ways than one.

The video opens with a pair of skeptics discussing Blueface’s perceived lack of hood credentials before pulling up on him at his night job as a custodian. His mop and bucket from the “Bleed It” video make an appearance as his chief hater ends up getting “caught slipping,” literally. The performance part of the video finds Blueface rocking a bulletproof vest and a Cash Money West medallion as he flexes in an abandoned garage and slings reddish-tinged water from his mop bucket around, then cruises through the city in a convertible with Cash Money CEO Birdman.

While the “Stop Cappin” video isn’t likely to silence the critiques against Blueface entirely, it is amusing to watch how he flips them while simultaneously continuing the myth-building that makes him such an engaging presence in the first place. Lyrically and visually, he’s a little like a standup comedian, building his own little universe of callbacks of running gags that are instantly recognizable to fans and allow him a self-contained, fully unique world to play around in that makes him stand out from the masses of new rappers who flood Soundcloud every day. As he puts it in the second verse: “I’m literally talkin’ in this bitch and it’s still knockin’.”