Will Smith Teased Some Wild New ‘Fresh Prince’ Merch On Instagram

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Since his joining Instagram in December of 2017 at the urging of Ellen Degeneres, Will Smith has rapidly grown from clumsy, middle-aged novice, to perhaps the most famous influencer dad on the entire platform. His shrewd mix of casual, personal, and high production value content has made him a fan favorite. In a little over a year and a half, the 50-year-old has amassed over 30 million followers on the site, and for good reason.

On any given day, the Grammy-winning, Oscar-nominated performer is bound to bless your timeline with classic Fresh Prince clips, a video him playing basketball on the set of the new Bad Boys film, or a funny clip of him roasting his son Jaden to a burnt crisp.

On Thursday, Insta-star blessed his followers with yet another gift: some incredibly cool merch. Included in the release were keychains, baseball caps, notebooks, and a variety of t-shirts, many of which feature the stylized silhouette of his Fresh Prince character doing his iconic running man dance. The most eye-catching item was a teal “Dumb Dancin'” shirt that is “heat reactive.” Basically, it morphs from a teal color to a bright yellow when heat is applied.

The shirt and the other items will only be available for a limited time, so grab it while it’s hot.