Lil Peep’s Mom Is Reportedly Suing His Management For ‘Encouraging’ His Drug Use On Tour

Lil Peep‘s mother blames his management team for the rapper’s 2017 overdose death and is suing for compensation, according to a report from TMZ. Yesterday, Peep’s mom, Liza Womack, filed a lawsuit against the First Access Entertainment talent agency accusing members of his management team fostered a tour environment where drug use was “allowed, normalized and even encouraged.”

In one instance, the suit alleges that Peep was gifted a bottle of pills during the rapper’s 2017 Peep The Show tour by one of his managers during a group dinner. It also says that he was kept supplied with Xanax, Ketamine, and other drugs during the ironically titled Come Over When You’re Sober tour. Womack says that Peep was exhausted and even wanted to quit the tour, but was pushed to perform despite being in a “comatose-like state” during a stop in Los Angeles, during which she says he was “barely able to communicate, let alone perform, due to his use of drugs.”

The harshest accusation, though, is that Belinda Mercer — one of Peep’s managers — was directly responsible for his overdose, giving him an excessive amount of Xanax before a show in El Paso so he could get sick and therefore cancel his show without breaking his contract with the venue. He did perform, so it’s unclear whether he followed Mercer’s alleged instructions, but he was later found unresponsive on his tour bus and declared dead at the stop in Tucson, Arizona. Peep was 21.