Nationals Fans Booed And Chanted ‘Lock Him Up’ At Donald Trump During Game 5 Of The World Series

The Nationals and Astros met for Game 5 of the World Series on Sunday night in the nation’s capital with the series tied at 2-2 and the home team having lost each game.

The Astros quickly jumped in front to try and continue that streak in Game 5, but the big news of the evening beyond what was happening on the diamond was the presence of the President of the United States at the game. Donald Trump was in a luxury box for Game 5 and when he was shown on the Jumbotron during a between-inning break, the Nationals crowd gave him a less than warm welcome, showering him with boos.

The video board segment starts with a salute to troops, which drew cheers from the crowd. The shot then panned to Trump and there was a noticeable change from cheers to boos for many at Nationals Park.

You can see the relative uneasiness on the face of the president as he tried to initially smile through the boos. It only got worse from there for Trump as fans serenaded him with “Lock Him Up” chants, turning the tables on his favorite “lock her up” chants his supporters often break into at his rallies, referencing Hillary Clinton and, lately, Joe Biden.

One would think Trump had to have known this was a very real possibility given his polling numbers, and, you know, the entire impeachment inquiry happening presently in the House of Representatives. Still, Nats fans were sure to let him know exactly how they felt on Sunday.