Kanye’s Presidential Campaign Is Once Again Accused Of Using False Signatures To Get On A State Ballot

The November election is just over sixty days away and Kanye’s presidential campaign is continuing their push to have the rapper included on as many state ballots as possible. But the effort is proving difficult as Kanye has either been banned or removed from a handful of ballots. The rapper will not appear on Illinois’ ballot as his campaign was found of using thousands of false signatures. Now, Kanye’s campaign is once again being accused of fraudulent actions, this time in Virginia.

According to a report from Rolling Stone, Kanye’s campaign is facing legal challenges against appearing on Virginia’s ballot. Kanye’s campaign was originally successful getting the correct number of electors and voter signatures needed to secure a ballot slot, and it was announced that he would, in fact, appear on Virginia ballots. However, two electors are now claiming they were duped into vouching for Kanye’s presidency, and they want him removed from the ballot.

Matthan Wilson and Bryce Wright were two electors who had originally signed onto Kanye’s campaign. They’ve now filed a writ which claims they have no intention of voting for him in November. In the writ, Wilson alleges he was approached by a member of Kanye’s campaign, who never once mentioned the rapper’s name when asking for his support:

“On or about August 11, 2020, Plaintiff Matthan Wilson was approached by a representative of the West campaign while he was riding his bike. The representative asked Wilson to sign to be an ‘elector for the state’ and told him that his name ‘would be entered into a pool to be individually picked to be part of the Electoral College.’ Wilson was not told that he was committing to vote for West or any other candidate. At the time Wilson signed the Elector Oath, he did not know he was signing to be an elector for West: ‘Kanye West’s name was never mentioned.'”

Both Wilson and Wright are seeking immediate action from the Virginia Board of Elections as mail-in ballots will be sent out to citizens on September 4. As of now, Kanye remains on the ballot but time will tell if the rapper’s name will be removed.

Read the full writ here.