When Will There Be A Season 2 Of ‘Yellowjackets?’

Yellowjackets, an intense survival epic and psychological horror story, is the show to watch and theorize about. There are two timelines (and they are less confusing than The Witcher timelines because they’re spaced 25 years apart) with two stellar sets of castmates, and even though the subject matter is often gruesome, you won’t want to look away from the screen.

People are captivated by the mystery what happened to the high-school soccer team and how the teens transformed into savages. There’s a sprinkling of supernatural happenings throughout and plenty of mystery left open in the season finale. And Showtime already announced in mid-December that, yes, there shall be a Season 2.

In fact, actress Jasmin Savoy (who portrays the younger Taissa) let slip to ComicBook that the creators have five seasons mapped out in their minds. Likewise, star Melanie Lynsky (who portrays the older version of Shauna) recently spoke with NPR and let everyone know that this is a long game:

“I think the story of exactly what happened in the woods is a longer story because, you know, it’s, like, a group of teenage girls. They don’t just instantly turn into savages… It takes some time. And I think the way the show is having those things happen is really real and beautiful. Like, you’re getting very invested in every character and in the relationships. And I think when it starts to turn into that, it’s going to be very meaningful.”

When will the Second Season actually come together for airtime, though?

The first season premiered in November 2021, and we can cross our fingers for a yearly cycle. Granted, we must think about the Omicron variant and how that could slow down production. However, consider this: Ella Purnell (who portrays the younger version of Jackie) told CBS Chicago that the first season took six months to shoot in mid-2021, at the height of Delta. By mid-October, shooting finished and the series premiere aired a month later (on November 14). So, there’s hope that strict Covid protocols could keep this joint on schedule for late 2022, maybe early 2023.

Fingers crossed! Also, don’t be like this team and hop on an airplane (which you arguably shouldn’t be doing right now anyway) anytime soon.