People Had More Criticism For Awkwafina After She Apologized For Her ‘Blaccent’ In Films

Awkwafina has long been criticized for her use of a stereotypical Black voice, something that’s been referred to as a “blaccent,” in movies like Crazy Rich Asians and Ocean’s 8. Last fall, the actor and rapper even struggled to answer a question about it. Years after those movies were released, Awkwafina hopped on Twitter to address the matter and apologize for using the “blaccent.”

“I stand by the fact that I will always listen and work tirelessly to understand the history and context of AAVE [African American Vernacular English], what is deemed appropriate or backwards toward the progress of ANY and EVERY marginalized group,” she wrote. “But I must emphasize: To mock, belittle, or to be unkind in any way possible at the expense of others is: Simply. Not. My. Nature. It never has, and it never was.”

She also revealed her plans to quit Twitter thanks to a recommendation from her therapist. “I am retiring from the ingrown toenail that is Twitter,” she said. “Not retiring from anything else, even if I wanted to, and I didn’t drunkenly hit someone with a shoehorn and now escaping as a fugitive.”

As for her apology, well, it didn’t get the best reception on Twitter. In fact, her post earned her even more criticism. “All these words and not one apology,” one person wrote. “Awkwafina could have just said: ‘You were right. I did use a blaccent to make a name for myself and that was wrong. I wholeheartedly apologize, and I’ll do better from now on.'”

You can view additional responses to her apology below.