Lauren Boebert Is Being Dragged For Her ‘Dumbest’ Argument Ever Yet Over Her Comparison Of Gun Control And 9/11

Rootin’ tootin’ Lauren Boebert loves guns. That might be the understatement of the year, given that she proudly posts family photos of all her sons brandishing firearms. She’s also the owner of Shooters Grill (and her employees have had plenty of dish to say about her management style), and she began her freshman (and possibly only) term by vowing to carry her Glock while strutting through the halls of Congress.

Boebert also famously railed against Nancy Pelosi for installing gun detectors at the U.S. Capitol following the insurrection, and she was triggered when SNL did a parody sketch about her gun obsession. She, of course, has responded to the Texas school shooting by sparring with AOC in a means to defend the Second Amendment at all costs to life and limb, and let’s just say that Boebert dragged out her most nonsensical argument yet while speaking to Sean Hannity about the evils of laws on gun restrictions.

“When 9/11 happened, we didn’t ban planes,” Boebert declared on Fox News. Also during the segment, she (counterintuitively) argued that more guns would have protected the 19 Ulvade schoolchildren who were killed by an 18-year-old gunman who had no problem buying two assault rifles: “This is my equalizer. I need a way to protect myself and my children.”

Boebert’s position is that teachers should be armed and schools should essentially become a military fortress, so that civilians can waltz around with AR-15s for freedom. Let’s just say that people had a ball while pointing out that 9/11 changed the entire structure of the airline industry. It also spawned a new government agency and an entirely new way of experiencing airport security. It’s created an entirely new set of restrictions that continue even today, and that was to prevent another tragedy that took about the same number of lives that guns do each month in the U.S. Yep, might be the “dumbest” thing that Boebert has ever said in public, according to Twitter.

The Lincoln Project co-founder George Conway brings it home.