John Oliver Unveiled What He’d Look Like As A Furry, Much To The Delight Of The Furry Community

John Oliver rolled out a web exclusive last week that’s too good not to swing back towards for some levity, given that Oliver (out of necessity) returned to gun control for the deep-dive segment of this week’s episode. So, let’s take a moment to enjoy the heck out of this: John Ottiver, a “sexy river otter.”

This was Last Week Tonight‘s response to a gubernatorial candidate Kandiss Taylor, the “Jesus Guns Babies” lady who wants to take a firing squad to sheriffs who don’t do the GOP’s entire bidding. As part of her incendiary platform, Taylor recently took a stand against furries, which she sees as the root of all evil and corruptors of children. “The furry days are over when I’m governor,” Taylor actually tweeted. “Public school is for academics not fairy tales.”

Well then. Oliver was happy to detail what’s wrong with Taylor’s position and point out that, yikes lady, furries are totally harmless. Here’s his summation of what the furry movie truly embodies: “[I]f you absolutely had to reduce the furry presence online right down to its bones, critiques of conservative economic theory and fuzzy butt shots really are the guiding principles of the whole movement.”

Apparent furry accounts on Twitter are really digging this. John Oliver might even be their new king. The accolades poured in (from furries and civilians alike), including a “shoutout to the furry who got their ass to appear on john oliver.”

What more should be said? Other than how John Oliver could actually be attending furry conventions every damn weekend, and we’d never know. You can watch the moment after the 6:45 mark below.