Shaq Made Good On His Promise To Eat A Frog

During last Thursday’s “Inside The NBA,” Shaquille O’Neal promised to eat a frog if Georgia defeated TCU in Monday’s National Championship Game. The Bulldogs, of course, rollicked TCU, 65-7, to secure their second consecutive College Football Playoff title. So, O’Neal delivered on his promise Thursday and ate some fried frog.

His co-panelist, Ernie Johnson, a Georgia alum, served O’Neal the dish on a silver platter while donning a Georgia football helmet. O’Neal initially looked wary and a bit unenthused by the entire situation. But then, he dug right into those suckers without an ounce of hesitation.

“I’m a man of my word,” O’Neal said as he devoured the frog legs.

“Frog legs are good, I’m not gonna lie,” Charles Barkley chimed in.

Meanwhile, Kenny Smith wasn’t sold the same way Barkley and, presumably, O’Neal were on the food in question.

“I just wanna let y’all know,” O’Neal said. “These frog legs good. These are the best frog legs I’ve done had ever.”

Wrapping up his snack and smacking his hands, O’Neal turned to his peers and remarked, “You didn’t think I was gonna do it, did you?”

Johnson admitted he didn’t. Barkley was hung up on semantics, though.

“First of all, you were supposed to eat a real frog,” he said.

In fairness, that is a real frog. O’Neal held up his end of the bargain and seemed to enjoy doing so as well.