Please Allow Anderson Cooper To Tell You All About His Mom's Love For Oral Sex

Last night on CNN, porcelain greyhound Anderson Cooper welcomed Dan Savage to his 360 set to discuss the best scandal of the year. Rather than answering, “Everything’s Coming Up Mellie,” Savage went with a far better answer: Rob Ford, Canada’s answer to the question, “What would happen if Chris Farley had sex with a ham?” His reasoning — “I love a good cunnilingus joke on the evening news” — lead Cooper to recall the time he and his mom, the fabulous Gloria Vanderbilt, discussed oral sex, because what is Anderson Cooper 360° if not CNN’s American Horror Story: Coven, Game of Thrones, Top of the Lake, Boardwalk Empire, and basically every other bloody prestige drama at this point.

“My mom once wrote a romance memoir about men she had dated — and I use that term loosely — and she described one guy she was currently dating — my mom was 85 at the time — as the Nijinsky of cunnilingus. And she made me proofread the book.” (Via)

“Nijinsky of cunnilingus”? Oh, you mean the Sam Rockwell of cunnilingus? NOW you’re speaking my language.

(via Getty Image, via Mediaite)