Behold, The 10 Best GIFs From The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 4 Trailer

This is the internet so GIFs from the new Game of Thrones Season 4 trailer that premiered last night are already so plentiful I can comb through an animated sea of them to pick out the ten that make me most excited for April 6th.

All the spoilers that can be derived from a preview of a season airing in three months ahead. You’ve been warned. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at the best the world wide web currently has to offer…

There’s the spinning sword fight scene.

Tyrion boss walking into what I can only assume can’t be good news.

Jaime Lannister (finally) cleans up alright.

The Hound doing what The Hound does best.

Khaleesi’s throne.

Token fire-breather!

Hodor has something for this.

Danny and Danny’s entourage.

Jamie gets his groove back.

And finally, Arya Stark.