Beyoncé Performed At Michelle Obama’s 50th B-day Bash And She Has The Behind-The-Scenes Pics To Prove It

Michelle Obama turned fifty this Saturday, and not only is she looking more fabulous than I ever will, Beyoncé performed at her party. Beyoncé was kind enough to upload some photos of the event to her Tumblr. The Carters started their day with a tour of the White House and some quality time with Bo, the Obama’s dog. It is predictably adorable.

John Legend also performed at the event, whose guests included Jennifer Hudson, Samuel L. Jackson and Stevie Wonder (in addition to many others.) The invitation to the party suggested comfortable shoes for dancing, and the President himself reportedly taught guests how to Dougie. FLOTUS has proven she loves to dance with her children’s health initiative (as well a memorable appearance on Jimmy Fallon.) Oh, and Beyoncé performed wearing this:

Guests were there partying until 2 AM.

Photos via Beyoncé’s Tumblr