This New Image Of Patrick Stewart And Ian McKellen Wins The Super Bowl

One of the internet’s favorite Bromance’s is between Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen, and when they take a picture, it dominates the internet. It’s one of those dreams come true when you’re watching a movie, and you hear an 8-year-old yell out, “Do you think they’re best friends?!” and the wonderful reveal is that they are. Just look at that pic of them in Super Bowl gear while holding a soccer ball. They’re so cheeky, Gov.

I’m ultimately torn, who do I root for now? Team P-Stew, or Team I-Mac? Decisions. I had a dream about hanging out with them in France, one time. It always just turned into the scene from Inception where the dream collapses and everything starts exploding. The real thing that explodes when that happens is my emotional state. That’s the real kick.

Image Via Patrick Stewart’s Twitter