It’s Still Officially Impossible To Dislike Seahawks Fullback Derrick Coleman

Earlier this month, before all of the HOT SPROTS TAEKS about whether or not Richard Sherman is bringing about the collapse of Western civilization (spoiler: he’s not, because he’s awesome), the nation was introduced to Seattle Seahawks fullback Derrick Coleman in an incredible Duracell ad that offered us the slightest idea of what it’s like to be the NFL’s first ever legally deaf player. Coleman’s story undoubtedly inspired so many people, but two 9-year old girls particularly stood out because of a letter that one of them wrote to Coleman, telling him to “Just try your best.”

Coleman responded with his own hand-written letter to Riley and Erin Kovalcik, thanking them for their inspiring words and letting them know that if their family is ever in Seattle, he’d love to meet them. Obviously, Coleman isn’t in Seattle this week, as he’s making the media rounds (and practicing, I guess) for Super Bowl XLVIII, but that turned out to be the perfect opportunity for him to meet his two biggest fans. While Riley and Erin were telling their story on Good Morning America earlier this week, Coleman gave them the surprise of their young lives, not only by meeting them in person, but also with a very special gift for their whole family.

This whole thing is so adorable that I can even get past the fact that the girls are wearing Richard Sherman jerseys. Come on, Seahawks, let’s get these sisters the No. 40 jerseys they should be wearing.