Courtney Love Melts Down On Stage As Dave Grohl Continues To Dominate

If you went to see Hole perform live in Brazil over the weekend, you got to see Courtney Love perform topless, which I suppose is like getting to see the sun rise in the East — totally expected if you can just bring yourself to make the effort to see it. You also got to see her lose her mind on stage, again, after someone in the crowd held up a photo of Kurt Cobain.

Reports Spinner:

I don’t need to see a picture of Kurt, a—–e, and I’m going to have you f—ing removed if you keep holding that up,” Love said, according to the NME. “I’m not Kurt, I have to live with his s— and his ghost and his kid every day, and throwing that up is stupid and rude and I’m going to beat the f— out of you if you do it again.”

She then stormed off the stage, and after a member of her crew urged the crowd to chant “Foo Fighters are gay!” she returned for a bit of Dave Grohl bashing.

“I don’t care what you listen to at home, but if a guy takes off money off my kid’s table, f— him,” she said, presumably referring to her well-publicized legal battles with the Foos frontman and former Nirvana drummer.

Holy sh*t Courtney Love totally killed Kurt Cobain, didn’t she?!

Meanwhile, the Foo Fighters played a show at Madison Square Garden last night — a show I attended — and absolutely killed it. The great think about going to a Foo Fighters show — aside from being completely entertained by what’s happening on stage the entire time — is that it’s a great mix of people. Sitting to my left was a group early 20ish people, and to my right was an early 40ish couple, and all were equally rocking out. The Garden was shaking at times during the show. It was awesome. Dave Grohl is the f*cking man.

During the encore, a still quite hot-looking Joan Jett came out and performed “Bad Reputation” with the band…

The group then closed the place down with Everlong…

Dave Grohl > Courtney Love.