Check Out These Gripping New Promos For ‘House Of Cards’ Season Two

House of Cards returns February 14 with a brand new second season. Netflix is giving us three promos to be teased with until the new season is released in its entirety on Valentine’s Day. All together, it’s about a minute and a half of pure House of Cards goodness. It seems as though the creative energy and performances are all returning with a force for the second season. Like with music, your sophomore effort is even more important than the first.

I would really like to limit myself to maybe one or two episodes a week, but in reality, it’s going to be a full season one marathon followed by the brand new season. Who needs to go out and do stuff this weekend, anyway?

Join me in re-watching these 3 clips over and over, then the first season, repeat, and then the second season.

Welcome Back

Francis and Claire


(Via Netflix’s YouTube)