Tinder is an application that lets people find people they might want to meet, date, or hook up with in their area. So what happens when you take all of the 2014 Winter Olympic athletes that are in the most prime physical shapes of their lives? American Gold Medalist Jamie Anderson explains what’s happening over in Sochi, besides EVERYTHING going wrong. Via US Weekly:
“Tinder!” Anderson told Us with a laugh about the dating app. “Tinder in the Olympic Village is next level. It’s all athletes! In the mountain village it’s all athletes. It’s hilarious. There are some cuties on there.”
It’s no surprise that all of these athletes are hooking up. Tinder makes it easy. But it will probably be difficult to make it to a room if the elevator doesn’t open, and if they make it past that obstacle, then they might have to Kool-aid man the hotel room door. Don’t even think about taking a shower in the morning, either.
(Via US Weekly, Image via Getty)