These New Adidas World Cup Shirts Will Finally Let The World Know How Much You Ass Brazil

At With Leather, the nation of Brazil is known for two things: corrupt Miss Bum Bum contests and horrifying stadium collapses.

Those two topics have finally come together thanks to Adidas and their new line of “sexy” World Cup attire, including the classy I UPSIDE DOWN BRAZILIAN LADY’S ASS BRAZIL graphic tee. It can be purchased here, which should be exciting for you if your Alpha Male Shit shirts are all in the dirty clothes.

If I followed the “I heart-ass Brazil” t-shirt with the phrase “someone is offended by this and wants it taken down,” would you be surprised? No? Okay cool, here’s that.

Someone is offended by this and wants it taken down. Flávio Dino, the exceptionally-named head of the Brazilian Tourism Board, is mad about the shirts and thinks they will “encourage illegal activity.” You’d think his entire statement would be “hey, we’re about more than great asses,” but nope. Translation via The Other Paper:

“We don’t accept that the World Cup be used for illegal practices, like so-called sexual tourism,” Dino told Brazilian news agency O Globo. “We ask that Adidas put a stop to the sale of these products… Brazil has harsh laws to deal with sexual abuse and the police will act on these cases in the national territory.”

I guess not everybody asses Brazil. If that shirt gets removed, you can always order this one, which is somehow worse:

That looks pretty familiar. Where have I seen that shirt before?

Oh, wait, I remember. My horrible childhood.

Great job, Adidas, you’re making Big Johnson shirts in 2014. BIG JOHNSON TIRE AND LUBE, PUT ON YOUR RUBBERS AND GIVE HER A SQUIRT BUT IN A SEXUAL CONTEXT AND NOT LITERALLY LIKE A TIRE AND LUBE IF YOU GET WHAT WE’RE SAYING. Ah well, if butts and the World Cup are ruined, I guess we’ll have to make due with Brazil’s #3 and #4 topics for blog fodder: manipulative prostitution and murder.