The ‘Jeopardy!’ Supervillain Finally Lost Last Night (And Recorded This Weird Al Cover)

R.I.P. Arthur Chu (on Jeopardy!). The most hated man in the game show’s long history finally lost last night, after annoying Alex Trebek and America, minus us nerdy nerds on the Internet who appreciate his brilliant tactics, for 12 straight episodes. He ended up taking home $297,200, which is to say, after taxes, he lost $20 but gained a muffin he stole from the greenroom. Eh, worth it. The question that finally got him:

On Chu’s final appearance on Wednesday, he came in third place with $0, however. He was at $6,400 going into the Final Jeopardy question and risked it all. The question he lost his money on during his last day on the show was: “He was the last male monarch who had not previously been Prince of Wales.” The answer was George VI. (Via)

Good to know Chu isn’t an alien sent to Earth with an overly complicated plan to take over the world. No, he’s just a nerd, a nerd who records poorly light covers of apt Weird Al Yankovic songs. ONE OF US.

Via Examiner