A Town In Texas Is Paying Ted Nugent $16,000 To NOT Play A Concert

Even Texas has had enough of Ted Nugent. TEXAS. Longview, a small town in East Texas, has paid the Calvin Pissing on Obama of rock stars thousands of dollars to stay away from their annual Fourth of July Festival. Nugent’s planning to spend the money on denim jackets with built-in gun holsters.

City staff had hired a promoter who was in talks with a booker for the controversial rocker. Amid the controversy surrounding Nugent’s appearance with Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott, organizers decided to cancel the singer’s appearance.

Abbott’s Tyler stop in February came just days after a joint appearance with Ted Nugent. In the face of controversy, Abbott said inviting Nugent to campaign with him was nothing more than a way to stand firm on second amendment rights. Earlier the same month, the controversial singer called President Obama a “subhuman mongrel,” drawing criticism from prominent Republicans, including Governor Rick Perry and Senator Ted Cruz.

When asked about [the $16,000] payment to the rocker in order to cancel, Longview Public Information Officer Shawn Hara said Nugent was, “not the right feel for this…community event.” (Via)

Hara later added, “We were fine with the Wango, but the Tango? Not so much.”